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The information and basic counselling staff are the first point of contact on site for all general questions about the Studierendenwerk. They provide information about the wide range of services offered by the Studierendenwerk and offer initial assistance. However, the relevant office is responsible for providing concrete advice. In addition, the staff at the information desk provide advice on the subject of private accommodation services, which arrange rooms for students looking for accommodation from private individuals.

In addition, the International Student Identity Card (ISIC) can be obtained from the Studierendenwerk for a fee of 18,00 €. The card grants students a variety of contractually agreed benefits in different countries. You can find more information about the ISIC here:


Langemarckplatz 4

Tel (09131) 8002-58

Information opening hours

Mo - Fr 09.00 bis 14.00 Uhr


Opening hours main cash desk (at the information desk)

Mo - Fr 11.30 bis 13.30 Uhr



Andreij-Sacharow-Platz 1
Tel +49 9131 / 8002-0
Telefax +49 9131 / 8002-180

Information opening hours

Mo - Do 09.00 bis 15.00 Uhr
Fr 09.00 bis 14.00 Uhr


Opening hours main cash desk, Room 1313

Di, Do, Fr 11.30 - 13.30 Uhr

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