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Current courses: 

  • Workshops "Reducing exam stress through mindfulness"
  • Group offer "Confidently mastering exams
  • Workshop "Life hacks against procrastination and exam anxiety"
  • CLEAR IN MIND - Workshops "Mindfulness in everyday study life"

Workshops "Reducing exam stress through mindfulness" for students at Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences

On Wednesday 12.06.2024 (4-6 pm) and in Ansbach on Friday, 14.06.2024 (2 - 4 pm):

Many students are familiar with the situation: stress levels rise enormously during the exam period, you feel uncomfortable and are no longer in the here and now. This is exactly where the workshop comes in. After a brief theoretical introduction to what mindfulness actually is and why it can help to reduce stress, the main focus is on trying out different mindfulness exercises in practice and experiencing and feeling them in your own body.

Group offer "Mastering exams with confidence"

23.04.2024 - 04.06.2024, every Tuesday 14:00 - 15:30

Exams are a very stressful topic for some students. While excitement and stress are quite normal during the exam period, some students experience the following in connection with exams: Just thinking about the exam makes your heart race, you breathe faster, start sweating and may have stomach/intestinal problems. It is much harder to concentrate and you may also have trouble sleeping. Just thinking about the exam can trigger thoughts and feelings of failure. This naturally makes preparing for the exam very difficult. Before the exam itself, however, the tension reaches a maximum for many students and they are no longer able to recall their knowledge well. If you feel the same way, you could benefit from our group program: In six sessions, we will look at what exam anxiety actually is, how it arises, what successful exam preparation can look like and what helps to combat catastrophizing thoughts and expectations. Specific strategies for the day of the exam will also be discussed.

Leader: David Zeiß, psychologist (M.Sc.)

Group size: max. 12 students

Dates: 6 dates, each Tuesday 14:00 - 15:30 in the period from 23.04.2024 - 04.06.2024 (there will be no date on 30.04.24!)

Room: Conference room, 3rd floor, student house at Langemarckplatz 4 in 91054 Erlangen (a short-term change is possible)

Costs: 27 Euro (reduction possible in case of difficult financial situation)

Registration: Please call the office of the Psychological Counseling Center in Erlangen by 09.04.2024 at the latest: 09131/ 8002-750, Monday & Wednesday to Friday 08:30 - 12:00, additionally Wednesday 13:00 to 15:30

Workshop "Life hacks against procrastination and exam anxiety" for students of the TH Ingolstadt (online)

22.05.2024, 15:00 - 16:30

"Tomorrow I'll start studying for sure then!". Do you know this? A mountain of work in front of you, but you just can't manage to get started? Then there's also summer and the lake is calling!

The closer the exams get, the more panicked you get? Do you feel sick or get a stomachache or headache? Are you getting dizzy and short of breath? Or do you regularly black out in exams and can't recall what you have learned at all?

Together we will work out individual methods against your procrastination and exam anxiety!

Please send registration and enquiries to
The course is free of charge. The workshops are generally reserved for THI students. However, you are welcome to put your name on the waiting list, as places that remain free will also be allocated to students from other universities.

Register today and join us on 22.05.24 from 15:00-16:30!

I am looking forward to the workshop!

Instructor: Katharina Eckert M.Sc.
Psychologist and Psychological Psychotherapist (in training)
Psychological Counseling (of Studierendenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Branch Office Ingolstadt
85049 Ingolstadt

CLEAR IN MIND - Free workshops for students at EVHN, FAU, OHM, TH Nürnberg on the topic of "Mindfulness in everyday study life"

13.05.2024 and 17.06.2024, 14:00 - 16:00 hrs.

"Oops! What am I doing now?!!!" Sometimes you suddenly break out in a sweat, for example...

  • when a topic comes up in an exam that you've barely understood and you immediately think "Damn - I'll never pass the exam!"
  •  or when you walk into the library and see everyone studying and you think "Crap! I'll NEVER be able to keep up!"
  •  or when the others meet up at the weekend when you actually wanted to study and think "I don't want to miss anything!"

The blood rushes to your head, your hands get clammy, your thoughts spin. These reactions are normal, but it is also possible to keep a cool head even when faced with challenges. 
The concept of mindfulness describes an attitude that makes it possible to keep a clear head even in stressful situations, to let rising emotions pass and to calmly decide what is the best thing to do. Mindfulness is defined as perceiving a situation as consciously, openly and broadly as possible without judging it. Mindfulness is now not only used to relieve stress, but also to sleep better, alleviate pain, counteract anxiety and depression, etc. 

The event consists of two halves, like a sandwich, in which you are instructed on how you can practically acquire a mindful attitude yourself. The "sandwich layer" between the two events consists of a period of four weeks in which you can play with what you have learned, experiment and make new experiences. You can continue to work with these in the second event with guidance.


Patricia Siegert, communication psychologist, is based in Erlangen and has already offered courses on this topic in previous semesters.

Christin Wolter, psychologist (M.Sc.), works at the OHM in Nuremberg and is also currently training to become a psychological psychotherapist.

Dr. Karl-Hermann Rechberg assists the course leader in both events. He is a social pedagogue and holds a doctorate in education. Among other things, he works at the Institute for Practice Research and Evaluation at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg, where he co-develops the "relaxed study" program

Target group: "Clear in mind" is primarily offered to interested people who have had little or no practical experience with mindfulness, or who do not yet know anything about the concept. It is also suitable for people who have previously only strengthened their mindfulness via an app and who would now like to try out a face-to-face event. 

Group size: max. 18 students

13.05.2024 from 14:00 - 16:00
17.06.2024 from 14:00 - 16:00

The second session builds on the first. It is therefore recommended that you attend at least the first meeting. Participation in both meetings is of course useful, but not mandatory. 

Room: Room S 1.14 - entrance Bärenschanzstraße, 1st floor, left from the staircase
Costs: free of charge


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