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Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Room 202
Building Marktplatz 7
85072 Eichstätt


Dipl.-Psychologin Tanja Müller,  +49 8421  93-21415

Dipl.-Psychologin Julia Deane, +49 8421 93-21664

Psychologin M. Sc. Amrei Mira Pauli, +49 8421 93-23163

Via the open office hours, during office hours by telephone, or by e-mail.

For all requests that do not involve an appointment with our psychologists (e.g. inquiries about internships, speculative applications, press/media inquiries), please use the e-mail address


Rahmenbedingungen der Beratung / General conditions for counseling

Open counseling hours:

09:00 - 10.00 am only by phone! (Ms Deane)
(possible without appointment and naming names)

Tuesday 3:00 - 4:00 pm only by phone! (Ms Müller)          
(possible without appointment and naming names)
Phone: +49 8421/ 9321415  (Ms Müller) , +49 8421 93 21664 (Ms Deane)
Wednesday      09:00 - 09:30 am for organizational matters (Ms Müller)
E-Mail: , ,
  Exclusively for making appointments. Please note that an e-mail is not a secure medium of communication under data protection law.
Current messages:

We are currently closed for party traffic, but can be reached by phone or email during normal hours. Open office hours will be held as telephone counseling until further notice. Psychological counseling will take place and can be arranged as telephone appointments, video counseling or face-to-face.

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