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Studierendenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg helps students looking for accommodation and has established housing referral offices for privately offered rooms and flats for this purpose in Erlangen and Nürnberg.

Referral can only take place in person (i.e., not by telephone), however, since the home owners understandably prefer to meet their tenant beforehand, mostly. For this reason, there are no reservation lists and rooms aren’t advertised as available to third parties, as it must be assumed that the accommodation in question would be re-let in the meantime.

To make the housing referral’s work as efficient as possible, confirmation is required, so that the office immediately knows whether the room has been re-let or not.

Housing referral Erlangen
Studentenhaus, Room 011 (next to the main entrance)
Langemarckplatz 4
91054 Erlangen
Phone +49 9131/8002-0

Mon-Thu 09.00 am - 2.00 pm

The accommodation offers are only available in German.

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